Call Letters – Join Our Active Govt Exam Preparation Platform Thu, 27 Apr 2024 06:46:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Call Letters – 32 32 211662554 GPSSB Talati Call Letter 2024 (Link Today), Exam Date & Pattern, Thu, 27 Apr 2024 06:37:17 +0000 Read more

The GPSSB Talati Call Letter 2023 will be posted on the website. Get the OJAS Gujarat Talati Admit Card from the direct URL link provided below using their login credentials. In order to take the Gujarati Gramme Panchayat Secretary test, candidates must provide a printed copy of their GPSSB hall ticket, thus they should do it right away. On April 27, 2023, at 1:00 PM, the admit cards will be accessible for download on the official website.

GPSSB Talati Call Letter 2023: Overview Details

The GPSSB Exam call letter for the Talati cum Mantri 2024 is available ONLINE at Candidates who are prepared to take the exam must input their fundamental information, such as their DOB, for validation. By the final week of April 2023, the official website will host the OJAS Village Panchayat Secretary Admit Card. The Board will not mail a special physical copy of each candidate’s admit card. However, the SMS notification regarding the OJAS Gujarat Village Panchayat Secretary Hall Ticket has already been sent to the applicant’s registered mobile numbers.

CategoryCall Letter
NotificationGPSSB Talati Call Letter 2023
Exam NameGPSSB Talati Exam
Exam date7 May 2023
Conducting BodyGujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board
Expected to Admit Card Date27 April 2024 at 01:00 PM (Today)

How to Download For GPSSB Talati Call Letter 2023?

As a starting point, go to the OJAS website at

  • The next step is to click the Call Letter/Reference link on the homepage.
  • To apply for the position of Gujarat Village Panchayat Secretary, select GPSSB/202122/10 Call Letter.
  • Enter your birth date (dd-mm-yyyy) and agreement number (08 digits) on the login screen.
  • The fifth step is to print the GPSSB Talati Call Letter on both sides in legible print.
  • Your hall ticket is visible to you in the final stage. Verify each detail after that.
  • The seventh step is to download the Admit Card PDF image to your device.
  • The eighth step is to print off your admittance ticket on A4-sized paper and carry it with you to the test.

Correction to the OJAS Gujarat Talati Mantri Call Letter for 2023

The OJAS Gujarat Talati Mantri Call Letter should be checked twice for any mistakes. Any inconsistencies in the applicant’s name, date of birth, photo, gender, category, etc. should be reported as soon as possible to the company in charge of conducting the exam. Here is how to get in touch with us:

The telephone number to contact the Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board is 079-232-58563, Karmyogi Bhavan, Sector-10/A, Block-2, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, 382010. Only during regular business hours. OJAS Helpline can be reached at 1800 233 5500. (Only on Business Days; 9:30 AM – 6:10 PM)

Essentials for the Gujarat Talati Mantri Exam

Please carefully read the directions on the GPSSB Gujarat Village Panchayat Admit Card 2024 before proceeding. The relevant paperwork for the GPSSB Gujarat Village Panchayat Secretary Exam must be brought to the examination place. Check the list of documents you need to bring:- A printed version of the GPSSB Talati Mantri Call Letter from the OJAS website.

Printout of an Aadhar Card Voter ID cards, passports, driving licenses, and e-Aadhaar cards. any other kind of identity issued by the federal or state governments. The OJAS GPSSB Talati hall ticket (admit card) is not always sufficient to gain access to the exam venue, and each candidate should be aware of this. Therefore, make sure to bring a paper copy of the admit card you downloaded online on the day of the exam.

Instructions for GPSSB Talati Cum Mantri Hall Tickets 2023

The general suggestions listed below are for candidates applying to the Gujarat Gram Panchayat Secretary Bharti Exam 2023:-

  • Make sure your printer is set to A4 Size & Portrait Layout Mode so you can print information on page 02 of your admission card.
  • The information will be easier to notice if you bring a colored print of your hall ticket rather than a black and white one.
  • Make sure your initials and face are clearly visible on the printed version of your admit card. If not, entry to the testing facility will be denied. In case of an emergency, keep 02-03 extra printouts or hard copies of the call letter.

GPSSB Talati Cum Mantri 2024 Exam Schedule

For a better knowledge of tests, look at the Gujarat Village Panchayat Secretary Competitive Written Exam Pattern. There will only be one () written test, which will have MCQs of the following varieties:

An OMR sheet will be used as the exam paper. The GPSSB Talati Mantri 2024 written exam will be administered using optical mark recognition (OMR). There will be 100 questions on the written test, worth 100 points total and 1 mark will be given for each multiple-choice objective question.

A wrong response results in a 0.33 (zero point thirty-three) mark reduction.

There will be a 0.33 (minus zero point thirty-three) mark deduction for each blank answer.

With the exception of the English Language & Grammar section, the exam paper will be in Gujarati.

GPSSB Talati Call Letter 2024 : Important Link

Official Notification For Call LetterClick here
Download Call Letter(27-04-2023, 01:00 PM)Click here
More DetailsClick here
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GPSSB Junior Clerk Call Letter 2023, Exam Date OUT Now Sun, 26 Mar 2024 19:46:05 +0000 Read more

GPSSB Junior Clerk Call Letter 2023: The Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, Gandhinagar will hold a Junior Clerk (Administration/Accounts) Competitive Examination on April 9, 2023, in response to Advertisement No. 12/2021-22. During the examination period, candidates should download and print their GPSSB Junior Clerk Call Letter / admit card-cum-attendance sheet (GPSSB Junior Clerk Call Letter /hall ticket) along with instructions for candidates from the Ojas website

GPSSB Junior Clerk Call Letter Details 2023

Examining AuthorityGujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board
Relevant StateGujarat
Vacancy NameJunior Clerk
Exam Date9 April
Jr. Clerk Call Lettercoming soon

GPSSB Junior Clerk Call Letter Dates and Important Link

Junior Clerk Call Letter NotificationClick Here
Exam Time-Related NotificationClick Here
Junior Clerk Call Letter((starts from: 31-03-2023, 01:00 pm))Click Here
Exam Date09 April 2023
Exam Time 12:30 pm to 01:30 pm

How to download GPSSB Call Letter for Junior Clerk Exam?

Candidates must use the links provided below, along with the guide written by our expert, to download the GPSSB Junior Clerk Call Letter/ Hall Ticket/ Admit Card.

  • Visit the GPSSC’s official website at
  • Then navigate to the website’s recruitment section.
  • The “Junior Clerk Recruitment” section will then appear.
  • A link to download the admit card will be provided in that section.
  • If the link is added there, click it to go to the next page.
  • Now enter the candidate’s information and press the “Submit” button.
  • You will now see a downloadable and printable document in front of you.
  • To the examination center, bring a valid print of your admit card.

GPSSB Junior Clerk Call Letter 2023: Important Notes

(1) The candidate must carefully read and strictly follow the instructions provided above and on the back of the Call Letter / Admit Card.
(2) As previously stated, candidates will not be admitted to the examination center on the day of the examination unless they have a printed copy of the collator/admit card that was downloaded within the above period; every candidate should take special note of this.
(3) General category candidates who have paid the fee at the post office but have not received the collator for any reason should submit the original copy of the examination fee payment challan, the printout of the online application, two passport-size photographs, and one photo ID to the board’s office dated 07-04-2024 is the phone number to call.

Important Notes(20-03-2023)Click Here
Exam Date NotificationClick Here
Old Notification / Syllabus:Click Here
Official websiteClick Here

Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, Gandhinagar Notification for Junior Clerk (Administration/Accounts) Cadre: 12/2021-22

  • Notification No. 12/2021-22 of the Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board Junior Clerk (Administration/Accounts) Cadre Competitive Written Examination will be held at the designated centers on 09/04/2023.
  • The board will announce the dates for downloading the collator of the above competitive written examination later. However, due to a technical glitch, the board has discovered that some candidates downloaded the previous link of the Junior Clerk (Administration/Accounts) exam from an old link in the collator browser.
  • As a result, the board has clarified that candidates who downloaded the collator from the old link in the browser before the due date will not be considered valid for the examination dated 09-04-2023, which the concerned candidates should be aware of.
  • Because the board has set the date for downloading the collator for the examination as 09-04-2023, all candidates must download their collator on that date, which should be noted by all candidates.

Gujarat Panchayat Service (Class-3) recruitment through a competitive written examination issued by the Panchayat, Village Housing, and Village Development Department of the Government of Gujarat on 22-7-2021 (Examination) Rules, 2021 Only -1 (One) (One) The written question paper (objective) will look like this: –

GPSSB Junior Clerk Exam Schedule and Syllabus

Cadre NameSyllabusMarksExam MediumDuration
General Awareness and General Knowledge *50GUJARATIOne Hour
(60 Minutes)
Gujarati Language and Grammar20GUJARATI
English Language and Grammar20ENGLISH
General Mathematics10GUJARATI
  • “General Awareness and General Knowledge” questions include –
  1. General Mental Capacity and Intelligence.
  2. Indian history and Gujarat history.
  3. India’s and Gujarat’s cultural heritage.
  4. India’s Geography and Gujarat’s Geography
  5. Games.
  6. Indian Polity and the Indian Constitution.
  7. Panchayati Raj.
  8. Gujarat State and Union Government Welfare Schemes.
  9. The Indian Economy and Planning. General science, the environment, and information and communication technology make up the top ten.
  10. Regional, national, and international current events.

NOTE: The question papers must contain objective-type MCQs (multiple-choice questions).

20.4 In this competitive examination, answer the paper of objective questions covering the topics mentioned above.

The OMR (Optical Marks Reading) method must be used.

Each correct answer indicated by the candidate in the OMR will be worth 20.5 1 (one) mark. Mandal introduced the minus method into the multiplication system. As a result of this –

For each incorrect answer, (1) (-0.33) (minus zero point thirty-three) marks will be deducted.

(ii) (-0.33) (minus zero point thirty-three) points will be deducted for each blank answer.

(iii) (-0.33) (minus zero point thirty-three) marks will be deducted for each answer that indicates or checks more than one option.

(iv) For each question, the answer will be “E” [“Not Attempted”]. If the candidate does not want to answer any questions, he or she can select this option, and a negative marking will not be applied in this case. Thus, the marks obtained by deducting the total marks obtained by the candidate from the total marks obtained by the correct answer as per I (ii), and (iii) above will be valid.

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